Claude for Enterprise

Securely connect Claude to your company knowledge and empower every team with trusted AI.
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IG logo
Sourcegraph logo
Midjourney logo
North Highland logo
Gitlab Logo
Airtable logo

Empower your entire organization with AI

Enable every team to spark new ideas, achieve more, and collaborate better.
  • Use company knowledge

    Scale internal expertise and knowledge across projects and teams.

  • Create and share work

    Produce high-impact output more efficiently with Claude.

  • Secure your data

    Protect your sensitive data. Anthropic does not train our models on your Claude for Work data.

Use company knowledge

Bring internal knowledge to scale institutional expertise, collaboration and decision-making across your enterprise with Claude as your subject matter expert.

Intelligence at scale

Take action with Projects. Upload relevant documents, text, code, and files to dedicated knowledge bases for Claude to use as context and background in your chats–enabling everyone to operate like an expert. Claude can reference large amounts of information for every task, including the equivalent of:

  • Up to 100 30-minute sales transcripts
  • Up to 15 full financial reports
  • Up to 100K lines of code

Integrate with key data sources

Sync key data sources as context for Claude. Our GitHub integration, now in beta, enables Claude to learn about your codebase to help brainstorm new features, start refactoring projects and onboard new engineers.

Create and share work

Claude helps employees learn new skills, speed up tasks and tackle hard projects to boost productivity and extend your organization’s expertise.

Create with Claude

Bring your ideas and projects to life with Artifacts — dynamic, creative and collaborative work spaces to see and build upon Claude’s creations in real-time. Draft and iterate on documents, code, websites, and images alongside your chat.

  • Intricate code structures
  • Comprehensive product roadmaps
  • In-depth research reports
  • Interactive campaign content calendars

Share and collaborate

Share your best chats and Projects with teammates to spark ideas, make joint decisions and create purposeful outputs.

  • Analyze user and market insights
  • Brainstorm and execute on product ideas
  • Create shared documentation and processes
  • Facilitate meeting preparation and project tracking

Secure your data

Your data is protected with Claude. Manage access with enterprise-grade control—and rest assured that we do not train our models on your Claude for Work data.

Protected company data

By default, we will not use your Claude for Work data to train our models.

Single sign-on (SSO) and domain capture

Secure user access and centralized provisioning control.

Role-based access with fine-grained permissioning

Single primary owner of a workspace for security and information management.

System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM)

Automate user provisioning and access controls.

Audit logs

Trace system activities for security and compliance monitoring.

Critical cross-functional work starts with Claude


Convert project requirements into technical specifications

Design system architecture and component interactions

Troubleshoot errors and runtime issues

Identify code optimizations and performance improvements


Interpret market trends and consumer behavior patterns

Brainstorm multi-platform content items

Develop marketing campaign strategies

Create post campaign performance reports


Analyze sales calls to craft tailored account plans

Develop objection handling strategies

Build compelling and tailored pitches

Interpret sales metrics and KPIS

Product management

Define product vision and objectives

Analyze user feedback and usage data

Create product specifications and requirements documents

Interpret product usage metrics and KPIs

Human resources

Craft job descriptions and postings

Create training modules and documentation

Create employee development plans

Interpret employee engagement results


Summarize complex contracts and agreements

Assist in drafting legal documents and templates

Monitor regulatory changes across different jurisdictions

Automate routine legal tasks and processes

We're a global FinTech business with omnichannel touchpoints in marketing and communications. Our global growth requires our marketing resources to expand in capacity and language capability. Claude's excellent writing and transcreation capabilities have been a big enabler for us to scale globally and achieve higher ROI.
Olga Pirog
Global Head of Data and AI transformation at IG Group
Claude offers our team members a tool that feels like an extension of their work and expertise, allowing us to take on more complex tasks and deliver greater impact while ensuring GitLab’s IP remains private and protected.
Taylor McCaslin
Product lead for AI and ML tech at GitLab
Deloitte is leading the way in the trustworthy use of Generative AI within enterprises. Our exploration of Claude for Work will help us reveal how this transformative technology can empower our workforce
Gina Schaefer
AI Managing Director and Alliance Leader at Deloitte Consulting LLP
Piloting Claude has revolutionized our workflows, becoming our most requested tool. It's dramatically accelerated content creation and data analysis. In months, we've unlocked thousands of hours for high-impact initiatives previously out of reach—propelling us into a new era of innovation and continuous learning.
Luka Anic
Senior Director, Technical AI Program and Product Manager at North Highland
Claude has been an incredible virtual collaborator for Midjourney. We use Claude for everything from summarizing research papers, to doing Q&A with user feedback notes, to iterating on our moderation policies. We're excited to keep working alongside Claude as we grow and explore new domains.
Caleb Kruse
Chief of Staff at Midjourney
With Claude, we can condense data down to make sure we’re not missing anything. It gives our teams a high-level view while still allowing us to link directly to specific feedback sources. This makes our work more strategic and enables our teams to create higher impact work.
Justin Dorfman
Open Source Community Manager at Sourcegraph
Launching our $100M Anthology Fund with Anthropic, we received thousands of AI startup applications. Claude enabled a streamlined evaluation process, reducing time spent matching applications to partners and allowing more effective engagement with founders.
Tim Tully
Partner at Menlo Ventures

Transform how your organization operates with Claude

Frequently asked questions

Claude is a trusted, secure, and collaborative AI expert that integrates with organizational knowledge and workflows to support high-quality work. Claude enhances productivity and creativity across various business functions within an organization. The Claude Enterprise plan is designed for organizations that require large knowledge uploads, enhanced security and user management, and an AI solution that scales across cross-functional teams in support of deep work.

The Claude Enterprise plan supports deep, cross-functional workflows and includes everything in the Claude Team plan in addition to the following new features:

  • Enterprise-grade security features to ensure the safety and compliance of your organization’s data including single-sign on (SSO) & domain capture, audit logs, System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), and role-based permissioning for fine-grained user management.
  • Expanded context window that enables users to upload hundreds of sales transcripts, dozens of 100+ page documents and 100K lines of code.
  • Increased usage, which means more messages with Claude.
  • Native integrations with data sources like GitHub provide the ability for engineering teams to brainstorm alongside your codebase, iterate on new features, onboard engineers and debug issues.

By default, we will not use your Inputs or Outputs to train our models. To find out more, or if you would like to know how to contact us regarding a privacy related topic, see our Trust Center.

The Claude Enterprise plan offers critical security and data management components including single sign-on (SSO) and domain capture for secure user access and centralized provisioning control; Audit logs that trace system activities for security and compliance monitoring; System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) to automate user provisioning and access controls; Role-based permissioning that assigns a single primary owner of a workspace for security and information management.

Claude for Work is a comprehensive solution for organizations to securely use Claude for business purposes. Within Claude for Work, organizations can choose between our Team plan and Enterprise plan, which offer a spectrum of features and capacity based on your usage and security needs.

If you’re a developer looking to create user-facing experiences and new products with Claude, the Anthropic API is right for you. To learn more about different API plans, contact our sales team here. To get started, explore our developer docs here.