Case Study accelerates content creation and reduces costs with Claude logo, a leading GTM AI platform, uses Claude to help marketing teams generate high-quality content faster and more cost-effectively. By leveraging Claude's advanced language capabilities, enables its customers to streamline their content workflows and significantly reduce outsourcing costs.

  • 4x increase in content output
  • 75% reduction in content creation costs
  • 40% of content generation powered by Claude
  • Improved brand voice consistency across content

Empowering marketers with AI-driven content creation helps go-to-market teams concentrate on strategy rather than routine, time-consuming tasks. The company developed an AI-powered platform used by millions of professionals to simplify their most critical GTM workflows. Using AI, its software facilitates everything from content creation and localization, to outbound prospecting and deal coaching.

Many of these capabilities are powered by Claude. chose Anthropic because Claude can go beyond simple text generation to deliver complex cognitive tasks well-suited for marketing and content creation, where creativity and brand consistency matter.

"As early adopters of Claude, we've been significantly impressed with every version Anthropic releases," says Chris Lu, Co-founder at "Each version of Claude has delivered more accuracy, speed, and task performance. Now, we're excited to be using all Claude 3 models: Opus, Sonnet, and Haiku."

Enhancing content quality and creativity with Claude has incorporated the Claude 3 model family across most of its generative AI products, especially to transform unstructured information into polished, on-brand content for marketers.

For example, uses Claude for the following:

  • Long-form content generation: Claude powers the creation of blog posts, articles, and thought leadership pieces from interview transcripts or brief outlines.
  • Brand voice adaptation: The platform uses Claude to maintain consistent brand voice across various content types and authors.
  • Research and fact-checking: Claude helps gather and incorporate relevant statistics and facts to substantiate content claims.
App screen from the platform
Example user experience in for building AI-driven outbound workflow

"In the content creation field, quality and creativity are critical. Marketers need to have confidence in the outputs being generated," says Kyle Coleman, Chief Marketing Officer at "Claude enhances our content solutions at by helping us deliver more human-like, creative content and empowering marketers to produce crucial materials that can significantly impact their marketing efforts."

Claude also provides the level of security and ethical AI that needs to keep customer information safe. These capabilities make Claude ideal for's clients, who require both creative outputs and responsible AI use.

"We take security and ethics extraordinarily seriously," says Lu. "We realize the tremendous trust that our clients place in us by choosing to put their brand information into our systems. Security and responsible AI were first and foremost when we chose AI technology, and Claude's robust features have consistently exceeded our expectations."

Reducing content creation costs while boosting output and quality

With Claude, has seen multiple benefits for both their internal operations and their customers. Trust is paramount in the marketing industry, and using Claude, the company offers AI technology that clients can rely on without hesitation. Claude produces high-quality, creative content that minimizes the need for extensive editing and revisions.

Additionally, Claude models are adept at maintaining brand consistency and uncovering creative angles that humans may overlook, which can completely change the way a marketing team approaches their content strategy. has also boosted client productivity since integrating its solution with Claude models. With tools powered by Claude, marketing professionals can complete routine content creation tasks much faster and at a fraction of the cost. "Some of our customers have gone from spending $15,000 to $20,000 a month on content creation with writers, freelancers, and agencies to now spending less than 20% of that," says Coleman.'s tools reduce workloads for marketing teams by enabling them to produce four times the output for a quarter of the cost. This efficiency also helps companies save resources by decreasing the need for expensive outsourcing and reducing overhead costs associated with content production.

"We're seeing customers go from publishing one blog post a month to a blog post a day," says Lu. "That's a massive difference in terms of content output and potential marketing impact."

Looking ahead

In the future, hopes to enhance content workflows even further by integrating advanced features into its platform. Claude will continue to serve as the foundation of the company's AI capabilities, powering increasingly sophisticated and creative content generation tools.

"I envision a day where a marketer could make a note in, and then an AI assistant could ask, 'Would you like me to draft content for these topics?'" says Coleman. "Once we get to that level of intuitive, AI-driven content creation, we're going to see even more efficiencies and creative possibilities for marketers."